Monday, February 11, 2013

A Little Introduction

My name is Amy...and I ALWAYS have a headache.  I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation Type I at 21.  Now four and a half years later at age 25, I am having the decompression surgery to get rid of my, well as I like to call them, "brain tonsils". 

When trying to explain to friends that my surgery will eliminate my cerebral tonsils, some attempted to comfort me with kind words such as, "I will bring you ice cream!" or "Drink lots of liquids."  I responded with a nice smile, however when I came home to my mom I would say, "DO THEY THINK I HAVE A SORE THROAT?"

I don't have a sore throat.  Actually, knock on wood, I rarely get sick.  However, I ALWAYS have a headache.  I have a horrible headache. I have excruciating pain in my lower neck, right shoulder and all the way down to my hand.  I feel like my face is constantly droopy, when in reality it looks perfectly normal.  I drop things all day long due to the weakness in my hands.  I have a frequent tingling in my right hand and right foot.  I fall...a a toddler learning to walk.  Also, my lips tingle. As a 25 year old single girl, that is not my most flattering symptom.  My body is tired.  My mind is tired.  I struggle to live day to day as a normal girl my age.  There are days I feel like a 90 year old living in a 25 year old's body. 

Okay, now that I made you feel bad for me, there is something you need to know about me...I always have a headache, but I am also always happy.  If I may say so myself, I am one of the most optimistic people I know.  I HATE negativity.  It annoys me.  Life happens.  My mom has told me since I was just a little girl "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it".  All I have to say to that is AMEN. 

I don't want to give all my life details in one post, but let me just tell you that my life in the last two years has been nothing short of a whirlwind.  Mama was diagnosed with breast cancer about a year ago (she's cancer free now! Yipee!), my sister has been in and out of rehab three times in the last year (she is doing well in Florida now! Yipee again!), my parents just sold the house that we grew up in (we are moving mid-recovery), my grandmother passed away last January (I miss her lots), the Phillies got rid of Jayson Werth and then just a year later, got rid of Hunter Pence mid-season (I also miss him lots) and now I am trying to mentally prepare myself to try to worry about ME for the next few months.  Its just hard when Hunter is in San Fran. ;-)   

Basically I am using this blog as an outlet to vent and brag.  I also want to share my journey with friends, family and fellow Chiarians.  Looking at blogs and reading about others' experience with Chiari has really helped me.  I admit, at first it scared the poop out of me, but as I found more positive blogs, it made me more hopeful and drove me to start this one. 

Okay, its time for Monday night shows.  Another fun fact about me ... I LOVE TV... we will see if I say the same after my 6-10 week recovery!  Goodnight!


  1. I literally LOL'ed at the part about Hunter.

  2. scares The Poop Out Of Me Too

  3. Great blog, Amy. This is such a great way for us to follow you and your progress. There certainly have been lots of changes in your life lately, but like you said, you are a very optimistic upbeat person. Keep posting!!!

  4. Amy = Amazing! I never knew this about you. Thank you for sharing this part of your life. But you didn't share...what shows are you watching tonight?

  5. Amy, you are so awesome!! I'm rooting for you and am excited for the day when you can change the title of this blog and the reality of your everyday life. Good luck, kid!! :) xoxo

  6. Hi Amy,

    My name is Meredith Burns and I apologize I have no idea how to use this blog stuff lol. I am 31 years old and I also have Chiari and was just decompressed on Aug 17, 2012. I suffer from alot of the same symptoms you do. Since i have no idea how to use this if you have any questions or just need someone to talk to my email is Good luck with your surgery!!! I hope you have a speedy recovery and if your on facebook theres a few support groups that I'll add you too. They are amazing and helped me through alot. Nice to meet you my chiarian sister <3

  7. Love this and love your attitude!

  8. Amy, So well written. I will be praying for you. You are a very brave and delightful young lady

  9. Nice outlook. I understand how it feels to be young and in pain (well, I get the pain part). Stay strong and know that it will hopefully pass.

  10. Christine Wesner (Applegate)February 13, 2013 at 10:21 PM

    Hi Amy! I am so sorry to hear about the hardship called Chiari you have been dealing with for so long. I am glad that you will be getting treatment to help you start feeling better. I am praying for you and all to go well with the surgery. You will rock this girl. I know it. You have such a fabulous outlook and attitude not to mention one fabulous (if not gigantic!!) family behind you. Best Wishes! xo

  11. Amy - I had no idea! You are such a positive person. I admire that you are willing to share your joys and struggles for others. I will be praying for you and "following" along. Hugs!

  12. Wow, you are amazingly positive! Thank you for such an honest, but positive, insight into the world of Chiari. My son is 20 months old and has Chiari. He will be having decompression surgery sometime this year. It's so hard not knowing what he is going through, as he can't tell us what he is feeling or what is hurting. Reading your blog helps me to understand, and empathise with him and the things he may go through in the future. I can't even begin to put myself into his shoes (or yours!). Just wanted to say keep up the positive outlook on life. You are inspirational :)
