I decided to blog today out of pure boredom. It's funny, I think it's actually a good thing I am feeling bored. It means that I feel well enough to do more than just lay on the couch. However, I still can't drive. I still can't be out for long periods of time. I still can't shower myself (yes, that bored).
I was wide awake at 7:30 this morning. I watched a little TV, played with my phone and got up out of bed by 8. I walked down the stairs all by myself and made myself a cup of tea! I really needed to take my medicine and had to eat something with it. I chose a cookie, which in itself is bizarre because as I have said before, I don't even like sweets. It was exactly what I wanted this morning though. So after I ate my cookie, made my tea, and watched an episode of Castle, it was still only 9. AHHHH! I am not seriously complaining, it is just the first time I can say I am honestly bored and not sure what to do with myself.
Mid-morning I had my mom drive me to Dunkin Donuts and we also stopped at Shop Rite to pick up a few things. Unfortunately, these things took a total of 40 minutes. I came home and watched three episodes of Long Island Medium.
Now, I have agreed to go to Sears later to look at a new fridge, washer and dryer for the new house. Kind of the same idea as the Lowe's trip the other day, I am desperate!
Not that you wanted every detail of my uneventful morning, but it just goes to show that I feel good today. Yesterday, I was not myself totally. I did venture out and take two walks, but I didn't feel good. There was a lot of pressure around my eyes and my incision felt very tight. I am still incredibly sensitive around the top, left side of my head. I am starting to think that it is becoming like my Chiari headaches in that I have learned to live with it. Today, I went to put my sunglasses on top of my head and QUICKLY was reminded I can't do that yet.
Like I said, today I feel good. I'm sore, but nothing that my beloved ice pack and pain medicine isn't relieving. I was trying to think earlier about what I would be doing if I wasn't contained...I decided I'd be doing exactly what I did this morning but without the boredom. I would have worked an entire week and would have wanted my Saturday morning to relax. So, I think I should appreciate the continued down time and try to enjoy it.
Maybe I will just continue to watch Homeland today. I am trying to slow down so that I still have something to look forward to during the second half of my recovery! Problem is, I have very little self control, and my finger just automatically clicks next episode. Oops.
Totally off topic, two weeks from today, we will be out of the house that I grew up in. It is so bittersweet. After the last year, I do think my family is ready for a fresh start and it will be good for us. That being said, I grew up here. All my memories are in this house. I feel safe here. I know my neighbors. I love the little kids in the neighborhood. It is all I've ever known. Now, my room is in the front of the house on the first floor. That freaks me out. Sorry Mom and Dad. They are tired of hearing me say that. My brother's room has always been next to mine and we've shared a bathroom always. Now, he is on an entirely different level and opposite side of the house. It will just be a huge change. I'm anxious, but I think in a good way...or at least that is what I am trying to tell myself!
I apologize for the most boring post ever. I'll try to get my creative juices flowing during my boring day and maybe tomorrow I will have something good to share. If you take anything out of this post, just know that I feel great today and am hopeful that my worst of days are over!
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