Bad news...but since I am trying to be positive I will end with good news.
Bad news first. I had an AWFUL week. I woke up Tuesday morning in horrible pain. I have a firey feeling in the left side of my head. Nowhere near the incision and no where near my neck. It is on the top of my head. I can pinpoint where the pain starts and it radiates across the left side of my head. It hurts, bad. I mentioned in a previous post how water pressure in the shower hurts, when Mama is brushing my hair it hurts, and anytime I lay on my left side without an ice pack, I am in excruciating pain. I also have a rash below my incision that is incredibly itchy. I have also had pressure headaches above my eyes most of this week.
This may not sound all that bad, but I am telling you it has caused me to lay on the couch ALL day. I have only got out of bed to go to the bathroom. I have barely eaten anything due to nausea and lack of appetite and yesterday, woke up excessively nauseous and ended up throwing up mid-day.
I have been in contact with the doctor asking for any suggestions to relieve the pain and they have told me this is all normal and to continue to ice the pain and to take the low-grade pain medication. After I got sick yesterday, my mom called. When the nurses called back they explained vomitting is not normal and to take me to the ER for precautionary reasons. So, it took everything out of me, but I got myself off the couch, and went to the Emergency Room.
In the ER, I had to put on the dreaded hospital gown (opening in the back) and had to answer the same questions fifteen times. The nurses and doctor were all very nice and patient. They made me do a bunch of strength tests with my arms, which was funny because when I had to squeeze her fingers she said, "Squeeze the right hand too." I was, as much as I could. This happened before the surgery too and was a huge concern. I feel the strength is coming back in my right arm and hand, however a doctor that never saw me before and doesn't know much about this condition was concerned. We explained to her that this is normal for Chiari patients.
They also made me do a urine sample, took TONS of blood work (so much so that it filled 6 tubes plus 4 glass bottles), and sent me for a CT scan. They kept the needle that they took blood from i my arm in case I needed an IV, and it really, really hurt. She had to stick me twice. Apparently the vein the nurse chose was full of blood, and it actually squirted out of the needle and sent blood all over my arm, the floor, and all over the sheets on the bed. It was a mess.
Anyway, the tests all came back normal as per the surgery. They talked to my surgeon and decided to give me a medication for nausea as well as a medication for the pressure that my brain is causing. I have started both of these this morning, so we'll see!
Needless to say, the last 5 days have been no fun. I haven't caught up on any of the TV series I have wanted to because I can't focus on anything. I haven't read any books for the same reason. I haven't taken any of the walks I had planned to by the end of week 2, and I havent been able to bathe myself yet. All very, VERY frustrating.
Okay, good news. I can lay on my belly when I am sleeping now and able to turn my head to either side pretty comfortably. This is a huge step and hopefully means I will not need any physical therapy.
I did have the best of days on Monday. I ate all my meals at the table, had fun visitors, and even stayed up with a friend to watch the entire Bachelor finale!
Also, I did try to take a bath rather than shower and it does wonders. Stinks for Mama because I can not lay my head back, so she is stuck washing my hair...but great for me because I feel good during and when I get out.
Justin Timberlake has been on Jimmy Fallon all week and I have DVR'd it all week. It has been my comic relief and excitement this week.
Last, the Eagles have signed a few new good looking players and they moved their training camp to Philly. I love to go out in Philly ... Put two and two together, maybe I'll find a boyfriend once I'm all better. :)
Not a lot of good news, but at least it's something.
I am now hoping that the new medications will help me and that the worst of the pain is all over. Its frustrating having these set backs, but I am trying to remember that it's these challenges that will make me stronger in the end. It's funny how much I worried about the actual surgery, then the stay in the hospital, and now...the recovery as a whole. I was so worried about being bored during this time and now it is so much more than that. I wasn't thinking about pain or being uncomfortable. Now I realize, I really just need to take one day at a time. Prayers please! I still need lots of them...
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